What is Addiction Rehabilitation?

This article examines involvement in the drug rehabilitation process and the necessities it takes to move on to a higher quality of life.

Rehabilitation Definition

Rehabilitation is a process that involves restoring a person to health and improving their quality of life.

When addicted to substances that enter the body, a rehabilitation period is necessary. Most people know that this is a process that helps you overcome dependency issues, but what does it entail? This article will provide an in-depth look.

Is Rehabilitation the Same as Physical Therapy? ​

Physical therapy is a significant part of rehabilitation, but it is not the same. Rehabilitation may include physical therapy, but it may also have other aspects. For example, drug rehabilitation requires mental therapy as well.

Who Needs Rehabilitation?

People trying to overcome an illness or injury will likely need rehab.

What are the Main Goals of Addiction Rehab?

Addiction rehabilitation goals may vary according to the individual, but the main goal is to help people overcome dependency issues and achieve long-term recovery.

What are the Benefits of Rehabilitation?

Rehab provides many benefits, and how it affects each person can differ. Here are a few common denominators:

  • Improves quality of life 
  • Boosts mental and physical health
  • Helps improve relationships
  • Helps become more successful in life
  • Increases self-esteem

Rehabilitation for Drug Addiction

Rehabilitation centers provide a wide range of rehabilitation programs. Below are a few types of rehabs you can choose from.

Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient rehab requires the patient to stay at the facility 24/7 for a time that usually lasts 1-3 months. During that time, they are provided with detox and therapy, and they are monitored so their condition can be assessed on an ongoing basis.

Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient rehab allows patients to split their time between therapy and other responsibilities. The patient may be attending therapy as often as eight hours a day or as little as once a week. The treatment can be used as primary therapy or as a follow-up to inpatient care.

Addiction Detox

Addiction detox is typically the first step of addiction rehabilitation treatment. It involves the patient allowing their body to become free of drugs and alcohol. The person will experience withdrawal symptoms, but the rehab staff will keep them as comfortable as possible while supervising them to ensure relapse doesn’t occur.

Vocational Rehab

Vocational rehabilitation services are usually provided after a patient checks out of rehabilitation facilities and moves to a sober living home. These services involve teaching skills that can be effective while trying to get a job once returning to the ‘real world.’

Aftercare Programs

Many people struggle once they have completed drug rehabilitation because it can be difficult to readjust to their routines. A rehabilitation facility will provide aftercare programs to give them the support they need to maintain sobriety.

Physical Therapy

Some people incur physical health conditions because of their disorder. A rehabilitation specialist may provide physical therapy to promote healing.

Other Rehabilitation Therapies

Other rehabilitation therapies may include evidence-based addiction rehabilitation treatment like cognitive behavioral therapy, 1 motivational enhancement, 2 dialectical behavioral therapy, 3 etc.

Support Groups in Addiction Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation facilities may use several support groups during primary care, or they may be a part of aftercare in helping patients avoid relapse. Some relevant support groups will be detailed below.

12-Step Programs

12-step programs are based on the theory that there are 12-steps to take towards healing from addiction. They are religious. The steps used may vary from group to group. Still, they involve turning to God as a higher power, being accountable for your disorder, and asking for forgiveness from those you have wronged. 4

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is the drug rehabilitation program that launched the 12-step strategy. Meetings are free and can be found in a variety of community spaces all over the nation. You can go to find a sponsor who will support you in your recovery goals.

Addiction Counselors

Addiction counselors are rehabilitation specialists that can help improve your mental health, so you are not as likely to turn to drugs to deal with your issues. As a sponsor, they will help you maintain sobriety.

Other Support Groups

12-step groups are a popular option when it comes to addiction rehabilitation, but not everyone is on board with the spirituality that’s involved. Fortunately, other support groups take different approaches in your journey to leave your dependency issues behind you.

Find Addiction Treatment

If you have reached a point where you are ready to move on from your disorder, there are many rehabilitation services available. There are various options available online. It can certainly be challenging to determine which will be best in terms of the care they offer, the atmosphere they provide, pricing, and other factors.

Rehabilitation at Essence Healthcare

It can sometimes take hours of searching to find the addiction rehabilitation that’s the correct fit. You can save yourself time by checking out Essence Healthcare first. You may see that we check off all the boxes.

Essence Healthcare is a multidisciplinary facility that offers various services, including nutrition, massage, chiropractic care, physiotherapy, and mental health therapy. Our mission is to provide the highest level of care to our patients to enjoy the ultimate well-being. We take an evidence-based approach and customize our programs to our patients’ needs.

We treat a variety of physical and mental conditions. Our holistic approach promotes the mind and body healing necessary for overcoming addiction and rehabilitation. We provide a wide range of services and modalities, ensuring you will find the right one for you.

Get Help Today

Don’t let addiction rob you of another day of your life. Essence Healthcare takes a unique approach to drug rehabilitation that can help you say goodbye to your dependency issues. Contact us for the support you need to move on to a higher quality of living.

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Questions About Treatment?

We are a patient-first substance abuse and mental health treatment facility located in Los Angeles, California. At Essence Healthcare, we provide different levels of care from detoxification to drug rehab aftercare. Our team is standing by to address your questions. Your call is confidential and no obligation is required.